| Stuff to know If you are baffled by what this is all about, please take a gander at 'What the heck is Wafflerama?'. If you are a wafflerama veteran, you may still enjoy reading about the look of wafflerama.
In past years, we've asked folks to bring supplies, but we've found it simpler if we take care of the food and ambience, and you supply the chit chat. Feel free to bring along some sparkling wine to share. Seats are always in short supply, so bring your folding chairs. Etiquette Wafflerama is a simple affair, with simple guidelines. Please stay out of the kitchen if you're not doing work. Spare my parents' furniture by eating outside. Don't be greedy. If you've already eaten and there is a line of hungry people with plates, why not chat with a new acquaintance for awhile and let everyone else get a serving? Introduce yourself. It's up to you to make friends. Don't worry, half the people there don't know each other, and meeting people is what it's all about. Did I mention RSVPing? Let us know if you can't make it, or if you are coming Logistics My parents' house is located at the corner of Beach Drive and Estevan. The Oak Bay Tea Party parade goes right by their door, so don't plan on getting close in a car. Bikes and the #5 bus, which stops a block away, are the quickest means. If you are motoring, I suggest parking at Cattle Point. The Tea Party itself hasn't changed in half a century. After munching, stroll down to watch the Ladies Nail Driving contest, risk your breakfast on the Zipper, or just play on the beach. Make a day of it. | 