Landmark and Regions

Landmarks and Regions

This page has been divided into landmarks and regions of various types in order to test how screen readers respond to the information.

Note: Normally, every part of a page should be part of a region, and there should only be one banner, main and contentinfo region. I am breaking that convention here to test differences in screen reader output, and ruling out nested landmarks creating an issue. I do offer a simple example of a page with proper regions.

Last tested on iOS 8.1.2 on .

Landmarks with no additional info such as labels

This text is inside a div with a role of banner.
This text is inside a div with a role of search.
This text is inside a div with a role of main.
This text is inside a div with a role of navigation.
This text is inside a div with a role of complementary.
This text is inside a div with a role of region. Because there is no label, it will not be detected as a region.
This text is inside a div with a role of contentinfo.

Landmarks with labels

This text is inside a div with a role of banner.
This text is inside a div with a role of search.
This text is inside a div with a role of main.
This text is inside a div with a role of navigation.
This text is inside a div with a role of complementary.
This text is inside a div with a role of region. Announced by JAWS and NVDA. Failure: not announced by VO.
This text is inside a div with a role of contentinfo.

HTML5 semantic elements with no aria

This text is inside header.
This text is inside main.
This text is inside section. It will not be announced by ATs as a section

HTML5 semantic elements with aria

This text is inside a header with a role of banner.
This text is inside main with a role of main.
This text is inside section with a role of region. It will not be announced by ATs as a section or region due to its lack of a label.

HTML5 semantic elements with aria and labels

This text is inside a header with a role of banner and a label.
This text is inside main with a role of main.
This text is inside section with a role of region. Announced by JAWS and NVDA. Failure: not announced by VO.
This text is inside section with a label but without a role of region. Announced by JAWS and NVDA. Failure: not announced by VO.